I added some shopping tips to a nearby grocery store.

Have Some Fun - Shopping Tips

Make Pancakes More Metal - Shopping Tips

Can I Spaghetti your number? - Shopping Tips

Burn Extra Claories - Shopping Tips

Don't Do It! - Shopping Tips

Unload Your Feelings - Shopping Tips

Accidentally Buy Potato Chips - Shopping Tips

Stay Warm in the Freezer Aisle - Shopping Tips

Fill the Eternal Pit of Sadness - Shopping Tips

Easy Snacking - Shopping Tipsvia

Here's the real image of Pluto that NASA didn't want you to see.

Here's the real image of Pluto that NASA didn't want you to seevia

If you're in Vegas, you better leave before 5PM.

Too hot in Vegasvia

Redneck Infinity pool.

Redneck Infinity poolvia

Accidentally shot my HR rep with a nerf gun, then he handed me this.

Bitch Citation Formvia

Mom, Mom look! I finally landed my first modeling job!

Mom, Mom look! I finally landed my first modeling job!via

I've been wiping my own butt since I was 3, I had no idea that I could go pro at it.

I've been wiping my own butt since I was 3, I had no idea that I could go pro at it.via

Getting the cleaning instructions off of my jacket when suddenly..

Be the "chang" you wish to see in the worldvia



My friend's vitamins melted into solid block. This is how he takes them now.

My friend's vitamins melted into solid block. This is how he takes them now.via

Star Trek Logic..!

Star Trek Logicvia

Cat Videos.

Cat Videosvia

I think Chris Brown is trying to become an acorn.

I think Chris Brown is trying to become an acornvia

TIL I have a shitty car.

TIL I have a shitty carvia

My Brother is prepared for his Skype interview.

My Brother is prepared for his Skype interviewvia