
Monday, March 30, 2015

Backcountry Gallery [ The Lost Yellowstone Trip Journal - Conclusion ]

Backcountry Gallery

New Blog Post - Yellowstone Trip Journal - The Final Chapter!

As promised, here's part 3 of my Yellowstone Trip!

In this final chapter of my trip journal, I describe why I wasn't allowed in Yellowstone anymore, why I went to Custer State Park, and how I got trapped in my hotel! Oh, and there's some wildlife photography mixed in there as well :)

So, get set to read all about my last few days on the trip at the link below. I've also included links for part 1 & 2 if you missed those.

Read the conclusion here:

If you missed part two, click here:

If you missed part one, start at the link below:

REVEALED: My Secrets To Stunning Wildlife Photography!

Would you like to become a better wildlife photographer? My new e-book, Secrets To Stunning Wildlife Photography is 290 pages of all my best tips, techniques, tricks, and advice for putting award winning wildlife images on your memory cards.

In the book, I thoroughly cover the artistic and technical aspects of wildlife photography - as well as giving you all the techniques you need to bring it all together.

Check it out at the link below - and get ready to grab some killer shots!

Photography Tips - Step By Step Videos!

Is it time to improve your photography? Check out my YouTube channel - loads of helpful photography tips with more added monthly (more or less).


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