
Friday, December 13, 2013

Skinny VS Curvy

Skinny VS Curvy

Robyn Lawley: “People are surprised when I turn up on a shoot and I can model”

Posted: 12 Dec 2013 06:10 AM PST

Robyn Lawley: People are surprised when I turn up on a shoot and I can model | beauty body image

On plus-size modeling:

‘Being a plus-size model in an industry where there aren’t many means there are some opportunities I wouldn’t have had otherwise. But there are also less jobs available, particularly in mainstream and high-end fashion. I know a lot of stunning girls who are not working because being a size 8 to 14 you are in no man’s land even though you have a normal, healthy body.’

People are surprised when I turn up on a shoot and I can model. But why shouldn’t I be able to do it just because I’m a size 16 (UK)? It’s disappointing as I love catwalk modelling, it’s more exciting than being on a shoot so it sucks not to be included. Plus-size models are being used more in magazines and in the media but not on the runway and not by high-end designers like Prada. I’d love them to use more curvy girls but it’s like a taboo and I don’t know why. It screams lack of diversity. It doesn’t send out a good message to teenager girls who are impressionable. They’re not coat hangers, they’re girls and it’s bad for them to only see skinny frames on the catwalk. I hope I can be a strong role model for them but there’s not enough of us plus-size models.’

… says Robyn in an interview with Mail Online.


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Kirstie Alley: “I don’t have any surgery. I don’t think you should be filling your face”

Posted: 12 Dec 2013 06:10 AM PST

Kirstie Alley: I don't have any surgery. I don't think you should be filling your face | celebrity quotes beauty body image

On being against plastic surgery:

I don't do Botox. Because don't you just think in the next 15 years, there's gonna be a discovery that injecting botulism could have an effect? You don't know what it is. And you don't know what it's gonna do to you, or where it's gonna migrate. I don't have any surgery. I don't think you should be filling your face. I don't do any of it.’

On being criticized for her looks:

The first job I had, for Star Trek, the cinematographer said, “You might want to do something about your eyes, because they're a little bulgy. They're a little baggy underneath.” And then over the years, I started looking at children. Children's eyes are always sort of baggy here! …They have the bags under here. They're sort of poochy under here.So I just started thinking,’ she added. ‘I'm gonna look at what youth looks like. And most of what youth looks like is happy! People are happy, and they have energy and they can move.’

… says 62 year-old Kirstie.

Kirstie Alley: I don't have any surgery. I don't think you should be filling your face | celebrity quotes beauty body image


Read the rest of Kirstie Alley: “I don't have any surgery. I don't think you should be filling your face” (3 words)

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